Blogging is an effective method for business advertising, if it is done right. If you intend to use blogging to promote your business, then you should learn the right way to do it. It is pointless to put a lot of time into maintaining a promotional blog that cannot attract customers to your business. Read on to find out what the most common blogging mistakes are and how to fix them.
The Mistake: Not Connecting…
This is part 1 of a 4-part series that goes over the very basics of blogging for people new to the blogging world.
Everyone has a blog.
Okay – so that is a bit of an exaggeration, but you get the idea. It seems that everyone has a blog these days, and for good reason. A blog is a great way to communicate with your audience, no matter what kind of audience that may be.…
Business conferences must come up in many times, and you have to attend as it is always an important event for your business. These conferences usually add expenditure and can even go beyond your annual budget. But if you are a good planner, you can avoid these excess expenses if you observe the following tips to save money at business conferences.
Research discounts, offers, and deals
Conference organizers improvise various ways to attract a higher…
When hiring someone for their services, it’s essential to know if the worker is an employee or an independent contractor. Whether or not you pay or withhold income taxes, Social Security, and Medicare taxes depends on the kind of worker you’ve hired. However, the legal definitions of what makes a worker an employee or an independent contractor are oftentimes difficult to discern.
Choosing a Web Host
Whether you end up hiring an in-house employee or…
How to Make Long-term Passive Income with Adsense
Google’s targeted advertising program, Adsense, is one of the easiest and most effective ways to earn money online. You can use it to monetize a pre-existing web property, or build it into your strategy for a new site. Once you set it up, the program is pretty straightforward. But to make the most of the program and avoid being penalized for misuse, there are several things…
It is one thing to start a business, but it is something else entirely to actually grow that business. These days – with all of the advantages that technology affords each of us – it is relatively easy to get up and running with your own business idea. Depending on your idea, you may not even need much money to get started. Growing that business, however, is going to take plenty of time and effort.…
When you are starting a business from scratch, it is relatively easy to set the tone for the new company. As the owner, you can establish ground rules right from the beginning, and you can use those rules to establish a culture and framework that will carry the company forward right from day one. The culture of an organization is essential to its success, so getting it right on this point is crucial.
However, what…
This post is in the final instalment in our four-post series on the Basics of Blogging. In the first three posts, we have covered some important topics, including how to choose a web hosting company, how to add a domain name to that web host, and how to install WordPress. Please feel free to check out any of those previous posts if you need help on those topics.
If you have followed along with…
As we continue on with our Basics of Blogging series, we have arrived at the topic of installing WordPress on your new website. WordPress is the most-popular content management system, or CMS, in the world, and it is the obvious choice for anyone starting up their own blog. Before you can take this step, be sure that you have followed along with the previous two posts in this series on how to pick a web …
This is part 2 of a 4-part series that goes over the very basics of blogging for people new to the blogging world. Click here to view part 1
Part Two: The Basics of Blogging
In this post, the second in our series on the Basics of Blogging, we are going to look at how you can attach your domain name to the web host that you have selected. Choosing a web host was the…